Ant Hill

Ant Hill is originally from the book QL GAMESMASTER It’s a simple but effective program that involes the animation of a number of objects. The basic idea is to guide a man through the tunnels of a ant colony with the aim of reach and destroy the nest of eggs.

This game shows that SuperBasic is with the help of little assembler able to create some nice, well structured games and programs that even make a lot of fun. Enjoy!

Type-In programs in 2021?

The Classics Coder App brings this experience back to 2020. Of course this time with much more comfort than it was in the past. I will “type-in” by myself on a regulary basis some BASIC or assembler games and apps from the 100’s of retro magazines and books I have in my collection.

Type-In? Not really…

The Classics Coder App contains some super cool features to remove the pain and improve the fun for type-in programs:

  • Automatic scan and detection of printed source code listings (supported by machine learning, will improve over time)
  • Syntax highlight in editor to simplify the learning of the commands
  • Automatic error detection and marking (as in a modern IDE)
  • Test your code immediately in the emulator

So enjoy the Type-in Listing #1 for the QL!

Ant Hill in the Classics Coder App

  • Sinclair QL Version of The Classics Coder App available soon
  • Find the working BASIC code here

What’s next?

  • Type in your own Sinclair QL Listings from magazines and books form
  • Wait for the next Type-In Listing
  • Start writing your own SuperBasic program!

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